Knee Testimonials
Shirley Sprigg (Knee)
After the Pain, It’s Back to Business for Union Benefits Worker
Now that pain is no longer a focal point in Shirley Spriggs’ life, she can accomplish many things — like walking to work, squatting to pick things up from the floor, and sleeping comfortably through the night. For Shirley, life with her Scorpio® total knee replacement is more “normal” than it’s been since she was hit by a car in 1989.
Initially, emergency microsurgery saved her legs. The steel beams and plates inserted restored restricted function. Her left knee, however, which had required additional surgery, continued to grow more stiff, swollen, and painful. While the scars healed on the outside, at night she lay awake from “throbbing like people were playing African drums inside my legs.”
In her role managing computers for a union’s benefits program, she kept hearing about a “miracle surgery” which had restored pain-free mobility for several clients. She sought out their surgeon, a specialist with the skill and experience to offer more options than the pain medications she had been given.
At 55, she chose implant surgery over early disability. She no longer needs pain pills, and gave up babying her leg soon after surgery. The limp she tried to conceal for years is gone, and she continues to work on building strength and endurance. Most of all, she is glad to be back on her feet and back to business. To her, that is the real “miracle.”
Results not typical and may vary by individual. Not all patients will reach the same activity level.