Hip Stories
Paul Noone, 43
Stryker Hip Replacement“My doctor, the technology — they gave me the freedom to be myself again.”
“My hip pain was undiagnosed for awhile. I was in pain no matter what I did. I have three children who are active in sports year-round — which means I need to stay active, too. Just a day on my feet was exhausting, but what was worse was the inability to sleep. Ultimately, the pain became so great, no kind of painkiller could help. So, I interviewed a number of surgeons until I found my Stryker orthopaedic specialist, who had done hundreds of these surgeries. As soon as I woke up, I knew I made the right decision. It really was instantaneous that the pain relief was so significant. My doctor, the technology, the experience — they were all integral to making a good decision. It’s made a big difference in my life, and to the people around me as well.”Results not typical and may vary by individual. Not all patients will reach the same activity level.
With Trident® Hip, Active Dad Gets Back to BasicsFor Paul Noone, 42, being a dad is more than a spectator sport. As the devastating pain in his hip made it increasingly difficult to play with his two sons, eight and six, and caddy golf tournaments for his 10-year-old daughter, he was anxious to set it right.
Avascular necrosis in his right hip had cut off the blood supply to Paul’s femur, causing the bone to die where it meets the pelvis. Paul’s doctor compared his collapsed femoral head to a broken ping-pong ball with jagged edges. Over an 18-month period — while he interviewed surgeons to get to the root of his originally misdiagnosed condition — he lived with intense pain, which made it difficult to walk, sleep, golf, or play with his kids.
Research led him to a surgeon involved in the Stryker Orthopaedics Trident® hip trials, whose volume, outcomes, and access to technology inspired him to schedule the first available date. Within days of receiving a ceramic-on-ceramic Trident® ball and acetabulum, he slept through the night for the first time in months. Soon, he hopes to resume his golf schedule, which had gone from 63 rounds a year to less than four. And, he looks forward to keeping up with his kids again.
“I can’t imagine what it was like before they had surgery like this,” says Paul. “Living with constant pain just breaks you down. I’m always telling people how grateful I am.”
Results not typical and may vary by individual. Not all patients will reach the same activity level.
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