Hip Stories
Christine Bartholomew, 39
Stryker Hip Replacement“It was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“I’m a nurse working 12-hour shifts, and I’m on my feet constantly. I developed pain in my right hip, so I started taking medication. But it wasn’t getting better. The pain was so bad that even routine things like getting out of bed, going to work, and buying groceries were difficult. My doctor said I had arthritis that destroyed my hip. We decided there was no other option: I had to have my hip replaced. He gave me information about the new ceramic technology from Stryker. After reading it, I was even more willing to have the surgery. And it was the best thing I’ve ever done. My life is back to normal. I don’t even remember the pain anymore, which is wonderful.”
Results not typical and may vary by individual. Not all patients will reach the same activity level.
Thirty-Nine and Feeling Fine — Thanks to Trident® HipAt 38, Christine Bartholomew, RN, was shocked to discover the sharp pain in her hip was the onset of arthritis. Considered young for hip replacement surgery, she endured a year of progressive pain, finding it increasingly difficult to stand, walk long distances, take care of three children, or hobble through 12-hour hospital shifts. When her patients started telling her she looked like she was in more pain than they were, she knew it was time for orthopaedic intervention.
Ever since her surgeon removed a painful cyst that had developed under diseased cartilage and implanted a ceramic-on-ceramic Trident® hip with a titanium stem, Christine has been “ecstatic.” “When I found out Stryker had come out with a ceramic hip, it motivated me to do the research and have the surgery right away,” says Christine. Now pain-free, she’s glad she did.
Encouraged by the potential durability of the Trident® hip for younger, more active patients, she feels great “peace of mind” for the future. “The door that closed — because I was worried about losing my job, becoming homebound, going on disability and parking in handicapped spaces for the rest of my life — suddenly opened,” says Christine. “Now I can vacation with my family, walk up and down my steps, and work without worrying”.
She adds, “I didn’t think I would ever have a normal life again. And now I do. I am very grateful to Stryker Orthopaedics for giving me my life back.”
Results not typical and may vary by individual. Not all patients will reach the same activity level.
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